Golf simulation is a tricky thing. On one hand, the amount of money you save by playing in your own setup does probably add up to legit savings; but on the other, it can cost a lot of money to get started. We’re prepping some videos on at-home setups that don’t break the bank, but if you want an immersive, fantastic golf simulator experience, that all generally costs a good chunk of change.
We’ve shown off our simulator at the office, and I’d argue that it is somewhere in the mid-range of setups. While it’s not a full-blown custom build, the improvements we’ve made over the years have made it a fantastic place to play. And those improvements have cost us more and more money over the years. Were they worth it? Based on the fun we have and the swings we get in, I’d have to absolutely say yes!
But our simulator takes up a lot of space and is a semi-permanent install that we had to decide we’d keep around. Though earlier attempts were always built around portability and simplicity, our current hitting bay is a beast that we don’t plan on moving anytime soon. But what if it wasn’t? What if it could be hidden away within a few minutes? That would be worth something, right?
The Murphy Bed meets the golf simulator
If you’ve ever seen a Murphy Bed, you know where I’m going with this. Murphy Beds are great for smaller spaces as they give you a solid sleeping area that can easily, quickly and simply be hidden on a regular basis. For studio apartments or multi-purpose rooms, Murphy Beds are the go-to soution to save space and still provide a good night’s sleep.
Now, imagine that same treatment for a golf simulator. Imagine a full hitting bay that can be folded up into the wall, look great, and provide a fantastic-looking golf simulator experience. Sounds fantastic, right? Well, you can stop imagining and simply behold the Murphy Golf Simulator Bay via the video below.
How freaking amazing is this??? From an attractive, condensed space emerges a golf simulator hitting bay that isn’t janky or unconsidered. Instead, it is built with the best stuff you could ask for, including turf from Turf Factory Direct, a Country Club Elite hitting strip, premium impact screen, padded side/top panels to catch wayward shots, and a mechanical expansion mechanism for the flooring that – simply put – looks badass. In one hideaway box, you get the full simulator hitting bay experience and they do the entire install for you as well.
A premium on awesome
But then there’s the price. For the standard size – 8ft. – you are looking at $7899. I know that’s a lot, but when you consider the quality of the setup, it does make sense. Just the turf, the hitting mat, the screen and the surround would easily cost around $3000, so adding in the enclosure materials, the custom build, the motorized features, and attention to detail, you begin to understand the high asking prices. We’ve never seen anything quite like this before.
And I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want to try one out! While I don’t have $8K to drop on a simulator bay (seeing as we already have one), I’m hoping that the day comes where we can test one of these simulator bays for ourselves. Having this nice of a setup in a package that can be fully hidden in a handsome, slight box is something I think many of you looking at a simulator for the home would be interested in. If you have the space for a simulator but need that space to remain multi-purpose, the Murphy Golf Simulator Bay might be exactly what you are looking for. And even if not, you have to marvel at the sheer awesomeness of it all, right?