With infrared sensors, three high-speed cameras that are capable of 3,000 fps and a 300% larger hitting area than its predecessors, the Eye XO2 is the latest premium launch monitor from industry leader Uneekor. The ceiling-mounted launch monitor accommodates lefties and righties alike and the massive hitting area ensures that you never miss a stroke.
The Uneekor Eye XO2 works wity Uneekor Refine, Refine+, TGC, E6 Connect and GSPrO. The data presented by the Eye XO2 is insane. You’ll get all the data you’ll ever need to analyze and work on improving your swing. What kind of data you ask? Well, here’s a little rundown.
EYE XO2 Measures
- Ball Data: Ball Speed, Side & Back Spin, Side Angle & Total, Launch Angle, Angle of Descent/Land Angle, Flight Time, Distance to Apex, Carry, Run and Total Distance
- Club Data*: Club Speed, Dynamic Loft, Angle of Attack, Smash Factor, Club Path, Club Face Angle, Club Face to Path, Club Lie Angle, Club Loft Angle, Impact Point Vertical, Impact Point Horizontal – Club stickers required
There are no clear-cut winners in the “best launch monitor” category because that title is extremely subjective. That said, I don’t think that any indoor golfer would argue the fact that Uneekor makes some of the best on the market and that the Exe XO and Eye XO2 are near or at the top of the wish list for many looking to upgrade their simulator setups.
Is the Uneekor pricey? Relative to units like the Bushnell Launch Pro or SkyTrak+, sure. Is it worth the money? I am confident when I say it absolutely is if you’re serious about your simulator setup. And while it may seem daunting, the $14,000 MSRP is still $10K less than ordering a TrackMan and some would argue that the Uneekor is a better option for a home setup as well as an indoor simulator business. I’m not going to say that one is better than the other. Again, that can be subjective. However, I don’t feel that the TrackMan does anything so well that it’s worth $5-$10K more. Unless you’re buying it for the portability, my money would go to the Eye XO2. That’s just me. Do your research and decide which would serve you better.
Moving on. You came here because you saw the title of this post and wanted to know about this “massive” discount. Well, let’s get to it and yes, it is a seriously impressive discount on this seriously impressive piece of hardware. From now until Father’s Day, you can pick up the Uneekor Eye XO2 and save a whopping $2000. That’s a discount of nearly 15% but the deal doesn’t stop there. If you purchase an Eye XO2, you will get the Trouble Mat included. These inserts simulate sand and rough lies and from early reviews, they appear to do a very good job of replicating the actual penalty you’d get on a real course. See the Trouble Mat in action below.
Another great part about this deal is that you can find it at many of your favorite golf retailers which means that you don’t have to go directly through Uneekor if you don’t want to. Carl’s Place, Rain or Shine, and many other authorized resellers have the Eye XO2 at this amazing price and you still get the Trouble Mat included when you purchase. Below, find some of our favorite places to buy golf simulator gear and check out the Uneekor Eye XO2 while you’re there.